This is about way more than just a movie. I just watched the movie The Whistleblower. Wow! …I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I watched it last night. I’m not usually a “true story” fan, but this movie…

It follows a woman police officer who joined the UN peacekeepers in Bosnia. In trying to do her job she comes across the human trafficking of young women as sex slaves. In investigating she discovers that…
(spoiler alert)
…not only is one of the peacekeepers taking bribes, but there are large groups of “peacekeepers” that are involved. They aren’t only participating in the sex. They’re helping traffic the girls in! It makes you down right sick. Not only did her findings not bring some form of international justice (all the “peacekeepers” have diplomatic immunity), but they stonewalled, threatened, and fired her! This is the UN being made aware of people contracted to them committing organized crimes directly and indirectly including rape, murder, prostitution, kidnapping, and human trafficking… and they fire the voice of reason!
(end spoiler alert)
The worst part is: these atrocities are still going on now! Even if the UN and those they contract out to have cleaned up their acts (which is extremely doubtful), this continues without mercy. The business of human trafficking is flourishing across the globe and even in the US. The suffering of countless and forgotten women and children is beyond words. …no, honestly, I can not come up with words…

I long for ways to help. I beg you to pray as well as consider giving to World Vision’s Hope for Sexually Exploited Girls. Also, let’s look for other places we can help. What else can be done? Any ideas?

If you have the stomach for it here’s a link to the movie: