To you, who’s wallet is empty
And who’s heart is worse
Here’s to you
You who is broken
who’s song is smothered and
and your voice unheard:
This is for you.
To you who can’t reach justice
You who try to forgive
To you who search your hearts
So desperately longing to live.
To those sick of what they see
and tired of the whole damn war
Tired of insides bruised and bleeding
condemned for hope
for hope of more:
Here’s to you.
My wealth belongs to you
this space
the divine space tonight is yours.
I will try to be broken with you
I will try to sing your song
Your voice
I will try to speak in your voice
until it is strong
and you speak in mine.
Tonight we stand defiant
Saying tomorrow won’t be like today.
Justice is coming
Mercy is near
This we drink and enter the fray.
Tonight we search our hearts together-
Don’t be afraid. Don’t try to run.
I promise you
There is something better
It’s already here
Already begun.
Tonight we are sisters, brothers, Family.
Tonight you have a tribe.
And on this night, my weary soldier,
I am on your side.